enJOY! Barbershoppers have at least one thing in common. We all enJOY! making music together. enJOY! formed in December of 2016 when two Harmony Queens, a Singing Judge, and a lyric mezzo-soprano decided to join forces. They only sang together…
Halifax Harmonizers Organizers Putting in the Hours
The upcoming NED 2019 Barbershop Competition located in Halifax Nova Scotia has been keeping certain members of the Halifax Harmonizers very busy trying to ensure a successful venue. Team Members
Introducing Our Emcee Richard Black
Our Emcee – Richard Black Our emcee this evening is local entrepreneur, businessman, and self-claimed renaissance man, Mr. Richard Black. Richard spends his days running Rich Graphics, a local design and marketing firm that specializes in web design alongside content…
Annual Christmas Show – Travellin’ Home
The Halifax Harmonizers present “Travellin’ Home” The Halifax Harmonizers Chorus present their annual Christmas Show on November 25, 2018. At this time of year our thoughts return to a place that is special to us— to a place and people…